
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What is the causes of Greenhouse effect?

                                                   GREENHOUSE EFFECT

Greenhouse effect is a dangerous reactive type of effect that influenes our nature violently.

Greenhouse effect cause naturalnimbalance. It is dangerous for living reature on earth. The progress of modern science isbsomewhat responsiblenfor this effect.

The idea of Greenhouse effect envolved from the Greenhouse which actually means a glass house made to protect trees from cold air. Besides these green houses are made of glass, they trap the sunlight and does notlet it escape. Ghis traped sunlight keeps the interior of the house hot for the tree prepare food. In the atmosphere, a same thing takes place where carbon dio-xide and carbon
mono-oxide, whice is known as a green house gases, cause the greenhouse effect. For various reasons these two gases are increasing in the air. The two gases decay the ozone layer and allow more of the sunlight to go into the atmosphere but leaving no way for it to escape. This increased heat is is not only causing an immitigable in our ecology, but also melting the ice age of the polar region, as a result raising the sea-level.

There are a huge causes of greenhouse effects. Making deforestation and burningdown of the tropical forests, rapaid growth of overpopulation, unplaned industries, polllution, increase of temperature etc are the causative factors of greenhouse effects. Over population is a problem for any country. They need additional things for their survival. The need to cut down trees to build their houses, furniture, bouts, fuel etc. Thus we arelosing our foests and trees. It causes natural imbalance. The use of various chemicals in factorieshas and mills a greet effect on our environment.

In the resent years it has been noticed that the world temperatures are rising day by day. This increase of global warming is cause by the increased amount of carbondi-oxide gas around the earth. Lime the gas houses for the plants in the western cold countries,our atmosphere is preserved by ozone layer which resists the entrance of ultra violet ray from the sun. But resently deforestation, development of unplanned industries, added number of engined vehicles etc are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide gas. As a result, carbondi-oxide is making hole in ozone layer. For this, heat from the sun is directly entering into the earth but geting no way to escape. If such condition goes for a long time , the world would be hotter. There will be drought thoughout the earth. There will be an increase in violent storm. The rivers will overflow their banks causing frequent floods.

To resolved the dangerous effects of greenhouse necessary steps should be taken immdiately. People should not be allowed to cut off trees, because tress play an important role in fighting the greenhouse effect. Tress take carbondioxide and releasing oxygen. But unfortuately, because of deforestation tress are not enough at the moment in our plantet to create a balance in the environment. So people should be advised to plant more trees in accrodance with their capability.

The climate of the world is undergoing a signi ficant change. Temperature are increasing they by they on account of greenhouse effect. Unless thess causes of greenhouse effect are controlled many creatures on earth will be on the verge of extintion. So meansures should be taken to prevent such an undersirable situation.

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